Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 15, Aalborg, Denmark

.Today we arrived in Aalborg, Denmark at 12:30pm and we departed at 8:30pm. Our ship is so quiet that you can hardly tell we are sailing at sea, even when the water is rough.
Because we are sailing on a small ship (935 passengers) we are able to dock right in town making it easy to visit the city. Today the temperature in Aalborg was 17C and very windy, apparently this is a typical summer day. The Danish pay high taxes, education is free, everyone receives a minimum of 5 weeks annual vacation. There is no fixed minimum wage, but the lowest wage is $20/hour. Medical is free, but you could wait up to six weeks to see a Dr. even if it's urgent, literally there is no special treatment for anyone. The Danish don't like cars, they love to walk and bike; at age 15 you can buy alcohol, but you can't drink alcohol in a pub until age 18....interesting? Carlsberg beer and Tuberg beer are the popular bands. Beer is cheaper than soda pop. It's Reported that Danish people are the happiest people in the world!

A rich merchant had a falling out with the city council and put this face on his building, starring towards the government building to mock them.

The Viking Market in the historic centre

Complete with yummy food of fresh baked bread, cream cheese, pickled herring & strawberry jam.

Do you know what the black thing is that's attached to the window?  Guess's a mirror so you can spy on your neighbor and see who is in the street below.  These were used in Viking times but what is more surprising they are added to some of today's new buildings.

The modern building with the mirrors

Modern Danish architecture is evident in the theatre & fine arts building constructed of concrete and metal. It boast perfect sound no matter how many people and wherever they sit. The theatre is strategically situated to face the harbor. What do you think Dad?

Good bye happy Aalborg folks


  1. Love the updates of your travels. Especially like the mirrors story. They are for spying but they are also to confirm who is ringing the door bell. Dutchies and Danes have that in common!

  2. Thx Netty. Glad you liked the mirror story. Yes they watched the comings and goings of everyone!
